Friday, March 6, 2009


The topic of my choice is Congo. Congo is one of the largest countries near Africa.

Congo has had so far two major wars. Which have last for many years? Congo is a country that doesn’t have many people, so they have young teen boys and younger boys to fight in the wars also carrying guns. Many people in the Congo wars get killed at least thousands or more people. It’s not just the people in wars getting killed it’s also indicate people that is getting killed while wars is going on in Congo.

Congo is like Africa. They both treat their women with no respect. While Congo is in wars they would rape the other people women and the country that Congo is fighting or the group that they are fighting would rape Congo’s women. Congo women are under everything and everyone. They are house wives; they cook, clean, and take care of the children. Not really allowed to have a good education or real good paying jobs.

Congo is limited on food and education. They just can’t go to stores like we do and pick up food. Congo people have to grow, clean and sell their food on streets like the street markets. Education is not so big in Congo. Half of their students are mainly younger kids like three to five years old because the rest are either in the wars or prepping on how to be a good house wife.

As Congo being my topic I would like to learn more about: the two wars. When did they being? What made Congo go to war? How many people do they kill and how many of their people die in the wars? I also want to learn more about the women and do they ever get rights in their country? And finally learn more about their education and about their food.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting topic. I like the fact that you chose to talk about something that wasnt as publicly known. I like the information that you have provided about the congo wars and hardships. I look forward to reading more about it.
